Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Day 2

Today we started to film our shots and also started on the helicopter model.

Initially I planned to model out the whole helicopter but as we change our plan to include a close up shot of the Heli,the amount of detail for the helicopter has to be more precise.Therefore we decided to download a free model for our helicopter.

We chose a OH-6A Helicopter for our model.

We found a free model online with sufficient amount of detail for the model. Link:Click Here

Since Mr Ron allowed us to use the model,I could now focus on the rigging and animation of the helicopter.
This also allowed Brian and Kok chuen to start trying out the lighting and texturing of the model.

I aim to complete the rigging and animation by the end of these week so that I could help out with the Lighting and Rendering which is the key to make our shot believable.

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